Please Contact Bangladesh High Commission, Abuja, Nigeria  For Consular call: +234 8187 797 283 ,For Emergency call (Only Bangladeshi citizens) : +234 8167 361 027.     

Business Visa

* A Letter of introduction/ Certificate from the local Chamber of Commerce is a mandatory requirement for Business Visa;
* A letter from concerned business organization in Nigeria introducing the applicant, his employment status in the organization and the purpose of visit to Bangladesh;
* A letter of invitation from the inviting organisation in Bangladesh mentioning the applicant's name, passport number, the purpose of visit and duration for which visa is required. It should be addressed to Bangladesh High Commission, Nigeria.
* The National ID Card of the invitee;
* Two(2) Passport Photographs of the applicant;
* Letter from local chamber of commerce;
* Application Form: Please download the form from;
* Fees: For the citizens of Nigerian
* Single entry: USD100.00
* Multiple entry:USD250.00
* Fees: For the citizens of Angola
* Single entry: USD11.00
* Multiple entry:USD22.00
* Fees: For the citizens of Republic of Congo
* Single entry: USD50.00 (Visa on Arrival)
* Multiple entry:USD50.00 (Visa on Arrival)
* Fees: For the citizens of Gambia
* Single entry: USD50.00 (Visa on Arrival)
* Multiple entry:USD50.00 (Visa on Arrival)
* Fees: For the citizens of Liberia
* Single entry: Visa required without fees
* Multiple entry: Visa required without fees
* All service seekers are requested NOT to deposit fees to the Mission’s Bank Account without approval by Mission’s Consular Section (Telephone : +234-9073-859-213, E-mail :;
* MODE OF PAYMENT OF CONSULAR FEES: Bank transfer to the following Bank Account of the High Commission:
* Account Holder's Name: High Commission for the People's Republic of Bangladesh
* Account Number: 5070563147 (USD)
* Name of the Bank: Zenith Bank
* Branch : Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria.
* NO REFUNDS: Fees, once received, cannot be refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.
* PROCESSING TIME: Once approved/refused, the service seekers would be communicated by email. The High Commission will get in touch with applicants in cases where the applications are incomplete/incorrect, the fees sent are not adequate or not paid in the acceptable manner or where there are other deficiencies.
* Application Submission hour: 0900 hrs- 1145hrs (at the counter)
* Delivery hours: 0900 hrs- 1145hrs (from the counter)